
Taking part in events
Please read this before attending an event.
Every care has been taken to ensure that the details given here were correct at the time of printing. You may wish to check with the leader by telephone before travelling, particularly when weather conditions are likely to be poor. Please note that closing times are approximate, so please make allowances if using public transport to get home. Please note that you attend an event at your own risk. Anyone suffering from a serious health condition is advised to check with their doctor before attending any event. Please inform the leader, in confidence, of any serious health condition at the start of an event. The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership, Dover District Council and the sponsors accept no liability for any errors, omissions, accident or loss.
Samphire Hoe’s type of events
Samphire Hoe’s team and the Green Gang are organising events every year and all year round such as:
- Day conservation: volunteering work over half-days (path cleaning, vegetation management).
- Exhibitions on Wildlife migration, Love our planet, Flint and fire, Winter birds of the Hoe, White cliffs wild weather, Wildlife and landscape art.
- Guided walks on various themes: Stone age picnic & adventure, Wildlife birds, Bug hunt, The edge of the night adventure and mothing, Ancient cave art.
- Talks about Winter birds of the Hoe, Make your garden better for wildlife
- Activities ranging from Fun days or Colour the flowers to Rockpool and rockstars and Create your own birds of Samphire Hoe painting or Micro sculpture park.
Discover the 220 species of birds including resident, migrant birds and summer or winter visitors.
More information30 species of butterflies have been recorded at the Hoe according to seasons.
More informationExplore a few of the 380 species of moths which fly around the Hoe at night time.
More information